Archive for April, 2006

Avoiding session IDs when spidering

April 20, 2006 in Google Mini,GSA,Spidering | Comments (4)

Many web sites use sessions to keep track of visitors as they browse around. If you do not have cookies turned on in your browser, the cookie may be sent through the URL so the site can still track you. This is very useful if it’s storing your shopping basket information, but it can have drawbacks.

Unfortunately sessions in the URL can upset spidering – a Google Search Appliance or Mini will generally up several ‘connections’ to a web site when it is spidering, this is like having several independent people browsing the site at the same time. Each of these connections receives a different session ID, which makes the URLs look different to the spiders. This in turn means each connection may spider the same pages that have all ready been covered. Also, if the session times out it may be replaced by a new session when the next page is spidered, which means that again the spider will re-read pages it has all ready found. This is because this:


And this:


Look like different pages, even though they may turn out to have the same content. To avoid this happening, you can stop the spider reading pages which have session IDs in the URL. You can avoid the most common session IDs by adding these lines to the ‘Do Not Crawl URLs with the Following Patterns:’ section of ‘URLs to Crawl':


The web sites you are spidering may still contain session IDs, it is worth checking with the site owner if this is going to be a problem, and keep an eye on the ‘Inflight URLs’ shown in ‘System Status’ – ‘Crawl Status’ when spidering a site for the first time. If the same URLs are turning up a lot, you may have a session problem. You’ll need to stop spidering the site and work out which bit of the URL you need to ignore, then you can add it to do not crawl list like the examples above.